On Thursday 2nd July all of the classes in the Huia pod gathered in the hall for their second round of ART ATTACK! We learnt how to do scrafetto. First we coloured our pages entirely with an explosion of colour using crayons and then we painted over our hard work with black paint. Once it had dried the fun part started and we got to scratch out different patterns. It was messy, loud and crazy but a whole lot of fun.
*kutil kelamin gejala hiv* - Kutil kelamin termasuk penyakit infeksi
menular seksual pada kulit dan mukosa. Penyakit ini disebabkan adanya virus
Human Pap...
A man ran panting through the streets of Wellington on a dark and stormy
night. He was on his way to parliament. Heart beating like a drum, sweat
pouring l...
Joe's dad said that Joe has one more week to train Harry Houdini into a
good dog. Harry was sleeping in the garage and he was chained very hard. He
had to ...
Even more news from the Fantastic 15!
Immad got a new phone. he can play heaps of games on it. He likes the bit
where you put the batteries in. His Mum and ...
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